Although it’s technically a fruit, the mild- flavoured avocado is used as a vegetable. Native to central America, south of Spain has the biggest avocado cultivated areas in Europe. There are three main varieties: Hass (considered to be the best), which has a dark, knobbly skin; the smooth- skinned Fuerte with its high quality flesh (of which a tiny, baby-sized and boneless known as coctel); Bacon, the better variety if you want to prepare salads because it is creamy and mild- flavoured, and easy to peel as well; and Lamb Hass, delicious and similar to Hass variety.
Highly nutritious, containing vitamin E, iron, potassium and niacin, it’s also unique among fruits in that it contains oil – but most of it is the good, monosaturated type.
Mango is considered indigenous to eastern Asia and is known as âKing of fruitsâ. Some varieties are vividly coloured with shades of red and yellow, while others are dull green. The single large seed is flattened, and the flesh that surrounds it is yellow to orange in colour, juicy, and of distinctive sweet-spicy flavour. The Mango varieties we prefer are Tommy Atkins, Osteen, Kent, Keitt and Sensation. Mangoes offer plenty of health benefits.
Mangoes contain a bunch of vitamin C, an immune- boosting antioxidant that helps fight cancer. Mangoes keep eyes and skin looking healthy as they contain vitamin A. Keep your digestive system in good health by eating mangoes, which provide plenty of fiber. Mangoes contain potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure.
This fruit is native to south-eastern parts of the mountains in China and has four varieties: Nagami kumquat, Marumi kumquat, Meiwa kumquat and Hong Kong Wild. It is also cultivated in some parts of the south of Spain. The kumquat is grown as an ornamental plant as well as for culinary use, mainly in the production of marmalades and jellies. You can use it in drinks as well and to decorated some dishes. The kumquat plant symbolizes good luck in China and other countries across Asia. The Kumquat is a great source for health benefits as well. It is rich in vitamin C and high in antioxidants, and is a rich source of minerals. Kumquat is an edible fresh, their skin is sweet and fragrant and the flesh can be sour.
Pitaya, pitahaya or dragon fruit is a tropical climbing cactus native to southern Mexico and Central America, which is widely cultivated in Southeast Asia and recently in Spain, with increasing interest. In this region, where proximity to the market is an advantage that would allow quality fruit to be offered, this crop could prove to be a beneficial option for customers and with the required quality, accompanied by good market prices. Along these lines, and with the aim of enriching the supply of products to Europe, the protected cultivation of pitaya becomes another alternative that contributes to the diversification of our agricultural production.